FLASH SALE $8 BAG OF DICKS with promo code STOCKINGSTUFFER Ends in 00 00 00 00 SORRY, THIS SALE HAS ENDED. SHOP RUINDAYS.COM slctvrnt:--::|~|:shwqty:--:true:|~|:qty:--:1:|~|:prdurl:--:/cart:|~|:prdimgtp:--:product:|~|:prdimgclass:--:zpa-mobile-align--center zpa-align--center pia-2797677:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-2797677:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:cart:|~|:prdbtnelt:--::|~|:prdbtncpt:--:BUY NOW!:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-padding-medium bcss-2797677:|~|:prdbtnalign:--:zpa-button-alignment-left:|~|:prdbdhtml:--: Description FAQs How do you win an argument? Tell them to eat a bag of dicks. Simple as that. There is no coming back from that. And now you can physically ship someone a bag of edible dicks. This one comes with a note. What does it say? Eat a bag of dicks. How many dicks is in the package? It weighs 6 ounces. Let's say about 30 jelly micropenises in and around your mouth. Can you leave out the note? Sorry, all dicks come with the "Eat a Bag of Dicks" note. Tab 3 content Need a new paragraph? Try using Shift + Enter :|~|:mcontclstclass:--:cac-2797678:|~|:mcontclass:--:zpa-plain-product-022-v1 cluster-padding-medium ba-2797678:|~|:imgpos:--:left:|~|:handle:--:bag-of-dicks:|~|:descclass:--:pda-2797677:|~|:clstid:--:774049:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cart SHOP NOW :|zpendofcontent|: